Saturday 20 June 2015

Thailand- Canal Journey

Still in Bangkok we headed out to the canals by public bus, luckliy for us it wasn't so busy! We got to the canals and I was shocked to see the amount of pollution in the area and river, especially as it is the Kings river! The water was brown with the sides were full of rubbish, we then got onto and long thin boat and were told to wear life jackets, worrying, the river is the last place I wanted to end up! The boat trip was actually a lot better than I was expecting, we saw loads of fish (God knows how they survive in that water), we also Water Monitors some were huge, they are like lizard kind of animals!

We then went onto the Pho Wat temple which was huge and we saw the largest lying down Buddha in Bangkok it was 46m long and 15m high! It was huge! 

We then walked around the rest of the temple and learnt a bit about monks, I did not know that they can stop being a monk in order to have a family and then become an monk again later in life, because as a monk they cannot touch females! 

We then got a proper Thai massage, she managed to click bones in my body that have never been clicked before! And then went back to Koh San Road for lunch before spending the rest of the afternoon in the pool before our over night sleeper train.

We then headed to the train station for our overnight train! It was a lot better than I was expecting, I had visions of hot dark and mouldy, but it was actually very clean, cool and light, I will update you on the next blog to how we slept...

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