Friday 5 June 2015

Lombok- Rice fields, Weavers, Pottery and Crackers

1st June 2015. 
We set off in the morning to learn about the lifestyle in Lombok as it is very different to home (wouldn't be my ideal life). we stared by walking around the various rice fields seeing how much work goes into getting those few grains of rice! The answer is a lot! 

We then headed back to the hotel for a shower before heading to a local weaving village for a buffet and to see the weaving in action! It's mad they live in little stone/muddy streets with tiny houses and only the women weave because they men are not 'creative' enough! 

We then visited a cracker making village and then a pottery village. Each village in the community is known for one skill and they exchange products between villages before selling in the markets. It definitely made us realise how lucky we are especially as they have the extra heat to make working harder. 

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