Friday 5 June 2015

Lombok- The Green Orry Inn

Written on 31 May 2015 
Today we headed off early to catch the ferry to Lombok to start the first part of our journey. On arriving at the ferry we were told that it  take 4 to 7 hours to cross! (I know bit of a difference!)

Luckily for us it only took just over 4 hours and was nice to have the sea breeze instead of the humid heat. We then had a further journey stopping at a huge supermarket. I was surprised to see that they had a MacDonald's and bakery in such a traditional place! We also got the chance to witness two weddings on Lombok as we drove through. 

The hotel we are staying in for the next two nights is very basic but livable in, Yaz is scared of the insects and mozzies but I'm more concerned about actually getting some sleep in this heat! The WiFi also doesn't seem to work for me so I shall be posting this when I next get WiFi! However wherever we go the people are so lovely and welcoming which is really nice to witness!  

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