Tuesday 12 May 2015

A few Tips for University

University is full of ups and downs, and will throw every emotion possible at you! I have just finished my third year studying Fashion Marketing at Northampton University, it has been the best experience of my life so far and I would not change a single thing not even the bad moments as they teach you so much. Not only did I learn more about the fashion and marketing industry through my course, I worked at big events such as the Clothes Show live, London Fashion Week, and the M&S press release, built up my contacts and found myself as a person. I also met some of the best friends I could ask for who I will keep in contact with forever, was part of the lacrosse team which turned out to be like my second family, went on tour to Spain twice, had a week in New York, was an extra in Made In Chelsea, learnt how to still go out and manage to eat on a budget, and started growing up when looking for my houses and paying rent!

Personally I think it is an experience everyone should have the chance to do. At the stage I'm in now people often say so you've done university what now? Well unless you take a very focused course you will have many options and in the near future I plan to travel whilst I have the chance and to try and gain experience in the fashion industry through internships. Just because I've gone to uni does not mean that I now have to focus on one career and do that for the rest of my life! That's not the reason I went to uni! And let's be honest the 'dept' you hear about from uni is not as bad as it seems, you will hardly notice yourself paying any of it off! 

There are lots of things you expect about university that turn out to be completely different and there are definitely a lot of things that I would recommend if you do chose to do at university.

  • I would advise that you DON'T look for your housemates on Facebook before actually moving to university, this just causes you to judge them and from my experience they may be very different from the impression their Facebook gives off (Or maybe not). 
  • I know everyone likes to go to Ikea before uni but maybe wait to get all your kitchen stuff till you have moved in otherwise you end up with a few more toasters than you need, and overload of cutlery (however this does go missing so its not such a bad thing), and more saucepans than cupboard space.
  • When actually moving in a lot of people told me that the people I ended up living with would probably not turn out to be my friends and i probably wouldn't live with them again, don't expect this, I've lived with mine for the whole duration now.
  • You will meet a few people you don't like, just be civil and try not to tell them how much of a dick you think they are at 3.30 in the morning, drunk! 
  • Try not to spend all your money of takeaways and alcohol , it does happen.
  • You will meet a huge range of different people with different views, try and learn from this.
  • Definitely join a sports team or society, this is where you will meet your best friends and will make you a more sociable person.
  • First is all about having fun, go out as much as you can, and don't worry about the work load it doesn't count and you only need 40% to get into the 2nd year.
  • It really teaches you the meaning of  'there is no food in this house'.
  • However do be prepared for you to go through all the types of drunk...
    • You will think 20 chicken nugget meal for one is a good idea.
    • You will get lost on a night out.
    • You will recognise people around uni and have no idea of their name and where you exactly met them, just smile and carry on walking.
    • You will become good friends with your toilet, maybe a few times.
    • You will have the mornings you wake up and have no idea how you ended up in your bed completely starkers, and hide you laptop and keys from yourself.
    • You will have at least one night where you find yourself crying at 3 in the morning for completely no reason.
    • There will be that night when your legs decide they don't know how to function
    • And all the other nights you will really enjoy, even these above, they make the best stories.
  • You will become that close with your housemates that you see them as other siblings 
  • There is nothing wrong with cramming and all-nighters in the library, as long as you get your work done.
  • Your landlord will most likely be a bellend.
  • In university Greggs will become your new best friend, especially in third year. Its a given that doughnuts are essential for writing a dissertation!
  • You will find yourself doing the weirdest things whilst procrastinating, however this is the time you will find your house is the cleanest. 
  • If your anything like me you will end up with a small room with too many clothes, thats the excuse I had for a messy room
  • Don't expect a reply from your tutor, even if he says you can contact him whenever you want.
  • Don't worry too much about missing lectures, the slides are online, just make sure you go to the important ones, or a least someone you know does! 

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